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Content source:Wuhan University postdoctoral Release date:2015-07-22

college contact telephone e-mail
chinese language and literature chenchunrong 0086-27-68752117 ccrwhu@qq.com
history liu chao 0086-27-68752695 chaochao_liu@126.com
philosophy chen yaoe 0086-27-68752861 yaoec@whu.edu.cn
chinese traditional culture research center wei ronghua 0086-27-68753821 wcwrh@126.com
foreign languages and literature ding xiaomei 0086-27-68752934 wyxyrsb@whu.edu.cn
journalism and communication shuai xiaoqing 0086-27-68752684 sxqwhu@163.com
economics and management luo rui 0086-27-68753011 jgybsh@126.com
information management qian hongyu 0086-27-68752076 qymltr@126.com
law guo xinqi 0086-27-68752076 fxygxq@whu.edu.cn
politics and public administration sun xiaoling 0086-27-68754750 zgzzrsb@whu.edu.cn
mathematics and statistics zhou ning 0086-27-68752966 mathsdb@whu.edu.cn
physical science and technology gong rong 0086-27-68752979 lgong@whu.edu.cn
chemical and molecular sciences xing lijun 0086-27-68752386 xinglj@whu.edu.cn
life sciences liang dan 0086-27-68752735 danliang@whu.edu.cn
electronic information xin ying 0086-27-68778456 xingy@whu.edu.cn
computer xu xing 0086-27-68775361 sally-manchester@hotmail.com
geodesy and geomatics zhong yudong 0086-27-68778401 ydzhong@sgg.whu.edu.cn
information engineering   in surveying mapping and remote sensing state key laboratory wan aiping 0086-27-68778969 wanap@lmars.whu.edu.cn
remote sensing and information engineering li zhengtao 0086-27-68778546 lizht@whu.edu.cn
resources and environmental sciences wei xiuqing 0086-27-68778284 xq_wei@163.com
electrical engineering peng yun 0086-27-68774435 pengyun119@126.com
water resources and hydroelectric engineering college huang zhonghua 0086-27-68773903 zhhuang@whu.edu.cn
power and mechanical engineering cheng wanlan 0086-27-68772040 tigerchwl@163.com
civil engineering yu juan 0086-27-68772624 541325693@qq.com
basic medical sciences zhang jie 0086-27-68759311 80999972@qq.com
the first clinical college lan liqiong 0086-27-88041911-86440 lanliqiongcn@126.com
the second clinical tu hui 0086-27-67813017 huitu2988@163.com
stomatology xu xinghao 0086-27-87686106 xuxinhao2006@yahoo.com.cn